Yep, I did buy that skirt before I left, and yes it definitely does not fit.
Also, just a photo of me prepping to teach gospel principles... Oh hey Julie!!!!

This week went by too fast to even know how to handle my life. This transfer also went by faster than fast and I'm pretty sure I'm leaving "La Paz" on Wednesday and more than likely heading to the city. I'm nervous but excited (just like always) for transfers, and ready to learn new things in these next 6 weeks.
We found 2 new families this week and are still working strong with Lila. She's super great and super ready, but she still has her doubts. I'm sad that I probably wont be here when she comes around to getting baptized, but its so amazing just to be a part of this life changing experience in peoples lives.
This week I reread the talk by Holland called Missionary Work and the Atonement (Tanner!!!!) and just like every time I read it, it changed my life. Elder Holland is so amazing and so powerful. I love the promise at the end of his talk where he says something along the lines of... Because of your dedicated response to the call to serve the Lord, he will bind up your broken heart, dry your tears and set you and your family free.
We had stake conference this weekend and it was a broadcast given to all of Central America. Elder Scott speaking in Spanish was probably the best part, but the messages where great too.
4 important things for the family:
1. Personal and family prayer
2. Personal and family scripture study.
3. Family Home Evenings.
4. Education.
Well, I feel like there's not a whole lot to say these days, except that God is so good and that I love all of you.
The next time you hear from me, I'll have a new companion and probably be in a new area. Prayers are appreciated.
Hermana Ludlow
-Best friend birthday shout outs NIELS AND CHRIS. Happy Birthday. Love you guys.
-Thanks for the photos family
-Got letters from Mckinley, and Leah and the package from Mom. Love you guys. Thanks so much!
-Letters coming your way (getting sent out this week) Tanner, Meish, Eva, and Bay.
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