Monday, October 28, 2013

Can anyone believe its Monday again?

Can anyone believe its Monday again? Can anyone believe its been 6 months? Can anyone believe how fast time flies by these days?
Well, we finished off the Elvir Family  with Fabricios baptism this week. I feel like I've sent this photo home 3 times... just with different companions and the person in white changing every time. No but you guys. If I haven't said it enough. This was the family I came to Honduras to baptize. I'll be coming back next year for their sealing and in 7 years for Justin's baptism.
Saturday was so hectic. The district President was in charge of going to pick up Fabricio, his family, and everyone from Agua Blanca who wanted to come to the baptism. He told us he would head out there at 3:00 since the baptism was scheduled to start at 4:00. At least he went out there eventually to pick them up... at 4:30. The baptism got started about 5:30 and I was emotionally and physically exhausted. The brother assigned to give the talk never showed up and the video we tried to watch wouldn't play. When everything was said and done and Fabricio had come back into the room from changing, President Nunez (district president... because we don't have stakes...) asked him to go up and share his testimony/how he was feeling. He immediately started to cry and through his tears he said "Puedo sentir Dios aqui conmigo" (I can feel God right here with me) pointing to his chest. With tears in my eyes I remembered how worth it this is. Through walking an hour to Agua Blanca, spraining my ankle, countless mosquito bites, body aches, tears, members falling through on their commitments, ITS ALL WORTH IT. 
God is so good. He loves us and knows us better than anyone. The atonement is real and will change your life if you let it. 
Love you all. 
Hermana Ludlow
P.S. Thank you for all the birthday emails. I love you all. 
P.S.S. My camera died and the baptism photos are on an Elders camera. Wait for the photo next week. Sorry Love you all!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tangalita mi amor

This week.
We went out to Agua Blanca (as always) and taught my favorite Family. When we were there on Saturday talking about Fabricio's baptism, Marlin also brought up how I better come back in 7 years when Justin is old enough to be baptized... Also for when they go through the temple. So basically words can't express how much I love this family. (Meish... Honduras trip? Whataya say?)
We had interviews with the President this week. I talked to him about how hard it is for me to feel like I'm adequate to be here, as a missionary, training a new missionary for that matter and all he said was "Tengo mucho confianza en usted, y el Senor tiene mucho confianza en usted." We aren't perfect, but the Lord doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.
Sorry this is short, but I just don't feel like I have a ton to say besides, don't worry about me because I am doing great. I love this gospel. Read the Book of Mormon everyday. It will change your life. It's changed mine in more ways than I can explain.
Thank you for your love, emails, and letters.
I love you all
Hermana Ludlow

Monday, October 14, 2013

The beautiful mountains of Talanga, Honduras

That would be the garbage pile that we so dearly love right behind the market place. Smells super great and you're sure to always see the nicest variety of dogs.
I love Honduras you guys. I didn´t know if the day would come, but this is my little country.
This week was a little nuts. We went to Tegucigalpa twice. Once to get my residency out... That's right. My residency. I am a resident of Honduras everyone. And the second time was to meet with all the missionaries that are training/being trained and the president. I'm getting pretty good at making my way through the city and remembering where we are/ where we're going. So that's good news. We also had a zone meeting in a little pueblo about an hours bus ride from Talanga. (And I mean an hour of standing up in a very tightly packed bus with people coming in and out trying to sell you bags of water, really hard cookies, and these cheesey biscuits that are just about the grossest thing. But we love it.)
Last Monday we also got our hair cut! My companion and I as well as the two other girls we live with. Hermana Watts and Hermana Hendrickson. To say its a butch job is putting it nicely, but what can you expect from a 30 limp hair cut? ($1.50) I took some scissors to it when we got home to try to fix it up, but the good news is hair grows back!
Alright alright, on to the real stuff.
This week we taught one of the best lessons ever to Fabricio. (Hector, our recent converts 15 year old son.) We taught the whole family out in their backyard under a bunch of trees in the shade. We sat on two buckets. while the family sat on a blanket laid out under the shade. You guys. Talking about Joseph Smiths first vision in that atmosphere was one of the coolest things I've done in my entire life. I wish I would've had had my camera. Just to remind you all again, that family is the reason I'm here in Honduras. Wow.
I love you all and pray for you always.
Julie and Jordan. CONGRATS. I cried when I read my moms email.
Tanner. You're emails are the best funniest k? I'm eating my life away in bread (and tortillas) too, so don't worry.
Chris. I love you ya know?
Mom. Got 3 packages from you this week. Contact solution, memory card/flash drive and the shorts. Thank you!!!! You're the best.
I love everyone.
God is good
Hermana Ludlow

Monday, October 7, 2013

The white kids watching Conference in the family history center of the church!!!

Well this week was pretty great. I am the proud mother of Hermana Vivian Rojas from Paraguay! She's so great you guys. She seriously came pre-trained which is such a blessing because I'll be honest, training is a big responsibility and sometimes its a bit overwhelming. She is so excited to be here though, out in the field being a real life missionary. It's taking me back (to almost six months ago... WHAT???) when I was a new missionary too with that same excitement. She's helping me to remember how exciting this work and the urgency we need to feel. Aww man she's the best. I'm feeling more and more blessed with each companion. Saying goodbye to Hermana Gallardo was so hard, but I know we'll be buddies in Utah. Just give us a year!

The plague continues. I sprained my ankle last week thus making it so we had to stay in the house this whole week. WORST. There is no worse feeling than taking a day off as a missionary. I always thought that a day in the house would feel nice, you know on those days out in the field that are super rough, but its the exact opposite! We went to conference... and can we talk about how powerful and amazing that was for a second??? I agree with Niels. Holland's talk killed me. So good!!! I also loved Uchtdorf's talk so much. "Come join with us". I don't know you guys. Conference on the mission is probably better than Christmas and for sure better than the super bowl. If you didn't catch Saturdays theme, the work is hastening and NOW's the time for missionary work!!! Wow. Amazing. I feel spiritually fed. 

I love you all and am praying for all of you (family, friends, and fellow missionaries)
This gospel is good and so true. 

Hermana Ludlow
President Fortuna in normal clothes? WHAT?
We went to the zoo last Wednesday (well those of us who baptized a family! WOO!) Super Great.

My first monkey sighting!
The white kids watching Conference in the family history center of the church!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Love you all, but more importantly, our Heavenly Father does.

Easily one of the best days of my life :Saturday, September 28th 2013: the day of Hectors baptism.

You GUYS. This is my family. From left to right: Hermana Norma Melgar, (used to be the only member in Agua Blanca... until we showed up!) Hermana Gallardo (my beautiful companion... for less than 24 more hours!!! AHHH TRANSFERS), Yours truly, Marlin (our recent convert with chubbiest Justin in her arms) HECTOR and his son Oswin (8 Years old) and Fabricio (Hectors other son who's 15 and has a date for 2 weeks from now.) And Elder Coy. (District Leader)
This family is the very reason I was called to serve a mission. (I'm sure there will be more reasons that pop up along the way, but they are the reason I'm here. In Talanga, Honduras, right now.) I feel a sense of familiarity and belonging when I'm with them and in their humble home in Agua Blanca. --->JUST LIKE MY SETTING APART BLESSING SAID! This was the family I felt it with first. Just like I was guided to do in my setting apart blessing, I told that family I came all the way from Springville Utah to be in their home that day. In that moment of weakness for Hector, when he had just told us he wasn't sure if he wanted to be baptized, I bore my testimony of the surety I had that he is why I am here and that he was ready to be baptized. I don't think I can think of a time when I have felt the spirit stronger than in that tiny dirt floored room.
The baptism was amazing of course. One of the happiest moments of my life. After the service was over, our Branch President called Marlin and Hector into his office and they came out loaded. Family home evening manual, a hymn book and a triple for Hector, (because we already gave Marlin hers after her baptism) new bibles and best of all, a framed picture of the temple. Then on Sunday during sacrament meeting after their confirmation, the whole family had their scriptures out and would be looking them up during the talks. I'm pretty sure I had the hugest cheesiest grin on my face this entire weekend. But really though. Such a great feeling to be a small part in the beginning of the rest of this family's life. They already have plans to go to the temple and when we invited them to start saving their money now, without hesitation they asked how much they needed to save and committed to start saving a little here and there for a year from now.
Transfers are TOMORROW. My companion is being transferred, which means I'll be training here in Talanga. I cant wait to meet my newbie. I cant wait to be the trainer she's going to remember for the rest of her life for the better. She deserves to have the exact opposite experience I had and I cant wait to give it to her! 5 transfers in Talanga here I come!
Well everyone, I'm happy. So don't worry bout me!
Love you all, but more importantly, our Heavenly Father does.
This gospel is so true and so beautiful.
The atonement is real and will change our lives if we let it.
Hermana Ludlow