Oh know ye not that Angels are near you, from brightest mansions above?

Shorty email, GREAT WEEK.
I just don't have shloads of time and I want to write a few personal emails, so this one'll be quick and to the point.
We challenged Hector to baptism this week and without a shadow of hesitation, he accepted.
September 21st will be a great day in the world. That's for sure. Then, yesterday they WALKED as a family to
9am church from Agua Blanca which is about an hour away. God is so good. This family is the reason (probably one of many) That I am here in Honduras right now, in Talanga.
We get to go to the temple
this Thursday and I as so excited! I miss the temple so much!
I love my companion and we are happy, and having so much success. What could be better. I finally feel like I have started my mission. We have a ton planned this week with the members. Because this work can't be done without them... (cough cough you guys!!!!)
Today I was studying in 3 Nephi and kept thinking about the hymn Come Unto Jesus (117) Look up the words. Especially if you're feeling down, ever. Its one of my favorites as of this morning.
Just know that I love and miss you all a ton.
But this gospel is true and I'm where I'm supposed to be.
Hermana Ludlow
P.S. Quote of the week by my companion " I may not know a whole lot about missionary work, but I know a lot about happiness, and that's what counts."
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