Hey Everyone!
(Sorry I forgot to send my last weekly email to all my missionary buddies. Ya'll can understand that email time goes so fast and who even knows anything in that short hour. Am I right?) Ok anyway.
-I'm halfway done in my training. What? Crazy. Time is a weird weird thing on the mission. It goes by SO FAST, but then when you look back to the day before yesterday you're like "was that a year ago though?"
August 21 is when we have transfers, (this week for those in my district who aren't being trained) and I know like that probably sounds like far away to you guys, but what with all the planning and looking ahead we do, its going to come so fast. The scariest part is that with all the new missionaries coming in so fast, I might be a trainer right after this, so that would be crazy. But, if its the Lords will, I'll do it. The good news with that would be living with Hermana Judd (who I think I've mentioned before... from my district in the MTC/ best friend/ twin.... picture included... accidental matching outfits...) for another three months after... If we both stayed in this area, and both trained. WHO KNOWS ANYTHING???
-Alright alright, what else? We went to a meeting for the newbies in Tegucigalpa this week which was awesome. I love being back with all the Hermanas from the MTC and everyone was doing sooooo much better than the meeting before. We can all do this. Seriously. The meeting was about all the things I feel like my companion and I struggle with (GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS EVERYONE). She only has three months under her belt and so obedience is a little bit of an issue with her. Now I know what everyone means when they said that the hardest thing is having a companion who is disobedient. We're working on it though, and our communication is getting better everyday.
-Which brings me to my next point, you guys. Yesterday was great. Fast Sundays are awesome. I never really appreciated fasting until the mission, but wow. Fasting brings miracles. I have been praying so hard to feel the spirit and feel peace when we teach. To be guided in what to do and say, because honestly, the Spanish is more than overwhelming some days. But yesterday we were in a lesson with one of our new potential families (WE FOUND and are teaching 4 THIS WEEK) and I just knew what to say. I knew what scriptures to use, and where to find them in my SPANISH Book of Mormon. I knew how to explain them and I could feel it. I don't know why its important that I'm here at this time, in Talanga Honduras, and why its important that I have to learn Spanish. BUT IT IS. God has this all planned out, and I'm really starting to feel it.
-Finished Mosiah in my study today (the President wants us to finish the book of Mormon in this first 12 weeks) and its my favorite chapter. You guys. The Book of Mormon seriously is the best thing. In the nights (when/if we have time) I crave reading it. Its such an awesome feeling. The Book of Mormon is true you guys. Don't believe me? I dare you to read it then.
Love you all.
-Tanner: FINALLY got your announcement. My Zone Leader forgot it at his house for over 3 weeks. Those darn Zone Leaders (cough cough NIELS)
-BAYLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!?!? YOU ARE MY WIFE!!! ARGENTINA. I am literally dead and I literally screamed in this ghetto internet cafe in Talanga Honduras. WOW:WOWOWOWOWOWOW.
-Thank you all for your prayers and love. I can feel it from here.
-Missionary friends, Mosiah 27:36 and 37. Read that today and thought of every single one of you.
-Chris. Don't be sick and come visit me k? Love you buddy.
Hermana Ludlow
36 And thus they were instruments in the hands of God in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth, yea, to the knowledge of their Redeemer.
37 And how blessed are they! For they did
a b; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth.
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